Just because a person has a WhatsApp account, it doesn’t mean that he or she is available for contact all the time. As long as you pay the internet bills, you can make the calls for free, unless you decide to use cellular data instead. Just like the text messages, both calls are free because WhatsApp allow you to make the calls via a wi-fi connection. If text messages are not fun enough, make some audio or even video calls to have conversations for as long as you like.

However, if you turn off the read receipts function, you won’t be able to see those marks again until you re-enable the function. When the recipient reads your message, WhatsApp lets you know indirectly by marking the message with two blue check marks. If you are in need of sending a really huge file, you need to host it in a cloud storage and share the link to the recipient via WhatsApp. WhatsApp can send them for you as attachments as long as their file sizes do not exceed the limit. Sometimes, when you communicate with others, you need to send some files for them to read, to review, or to do whatever else to those files. They just have too much distrust toward Facebook that owns it. Still, for some people, the encryption is not enough to tempt them to use WhatsApp. It is a good thing and every messaging service should encrypt messages too. What it means in simple term is that no one else can see your messages. Telegram is a great alternative, but too many people aren’t concerned with privacy and they are already used to WhatsApp, so most of them stick to it. There are rivals, but none is able to rise up to the top so far. The new ownership lasts until present and most likely until forever. Developed by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, the messaging service was finally bought by Facebook on 2014.

Its first release was around 14 years ago.

Their fear is a reasonable one since Facebook has been involved with privacy issues such as Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Its relationship with Facebook, however, have put off a number of users who concern a lot about privacy. WhatsApp is well-known as one of the most phenomenal messaging services ever built in history to date.